Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Know Thyself

If life is about accumulating status symbols, you owe it to yourself to know your HIV status.
I go to my doctor every year for a physical, and one of the things I ask for is an HIV test. This year, the process took on new meaning because I consummated my friendship with a longtime acquaintance. Even though I was confident that my results would come back negative -- that's been the case since I started having annual check-ups in 2001 -- I still felt anxious during the 11-day wait.
During my exam on June 8, I was asked how many sexual partners I've ever had, as well as if I engaged in behavior that would put me at risk for the illness. I also received a pamphlet about informed consent, and we discussed the difference between anonymous and confidential testing. Afterward, I waited for a lab technician to draw a vial of blood from my arm and submit it for processing.
While an HIV test is voluntary, I believe anyone who's sexually active or uses intravenous drugs should be required to take one at least once a year. AIDS may not be the death sentence it used to be (as Magic Johnson has shown after revealing his diagnosis in 1991), but everyone has to do their part to minimize spreading the disease. After getting my results, I'm pleased to say I'm not HIV-positive.
Contrary to the well-worn phrase, ignorance is not bliss. Life is priceless, and so is peace of mind. Get tested.

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