Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Beginning

Millions of people see January 1 as a day of change. That's when new year's resolutions go into effect, and the chance to start life with a clean slate is yours for the taking. But improving oneself is a work in progress -- a job that goes beyond the next 366 days.
I'm wary of new year's resolutions because they usually perpetuate unrealistic expectations. Whatever one's goal may be, whether it's losing weight or meeting someone, it should be something that's practical and tangible. It's the one occasion where self-centeredness is appropriate, for such aspirations are about making yourself happy.
The Declaration of Independence grants American citizens the right to pursue happiness, and the blueprint to reaching that state of mind lies in knowing the three A's: acknowledgement, analysis, and acceptance. Acknowledge your shortcomings, for no one is perfect. Analyze your fears, for that's a major step toward conquering them. Finally, accept your past, for it's the best tool to help you prepare for a better future.
With that in mind, my goals for 2008 are to maintain good health, find a new job, and -- most important -- live to see 2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great comments. Best wishes for a wonderful 2008 and 2009. Be blessed.